First of, many people may think that hominids are just a bunch of dumb apes that spend most of their times swinging from ropes and eating banana's from trees. I however, disagree, in fact, say that to a anthropologist and you'll get a heck of a lecture, it'll probably do you some good, but enough with apes, we're talking about hominids; hominids are actually prehistoric humans that hasn't evolved into the humans that we are today, but instead of focusing on what a hominid is, we're going to focus on some examples of how ancient artifacts give us info on how life was like on earth millions of year ago.
Reason 1.
Many paleonanthropologists say that cave paintings or sculptures were actually stories that related to the adventures and journeys or even events that have occurred way before the painting was ever made. Luckily scientists have been able to get useful information from the paintings in caves by inferring on what had happened 3 million years ago. But what does it tell us? Well this proves that the early humans were intelligent enough to make cave paintings, and it also tells us that they could make sculptures.
Reason 2.
Other artifacts however, weren't actually cave sculptures or cave paintings, they were actually tools that were used to help them catch and eat food. This tells us that the hominids were smart enough to make their own tools.
Reason 3.
Also another thing is that by studying a hominids bones you'll be able to see whether their brain was as big as a modern day human's, unfortunately no. This explains why hominids aren't as smart as us which why they are more ape like and not like us.
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