In my opinion, I think that my group discussion has helped me understand the book in may ways. One way was when Jesper told the group about how Sam's and Jacob's relationship was with each other when we were discussing our lit. circle discussion questions. Our discussion also helped me understand more about Jacob's relationship with his real father, because I kind of found the story of Jacob's Father kind of hard to understand when I was reading the book, but luckily, we were able to talk about it during our discussion time. I also found this discussion quite useful because now since everyone in my discussion group has told me some info about "thunder cave", I now have a few Ideas of how I'm going to make my next Lit. Circle.
For my connections, I put 2 things, 1 connection that I did was about the time when my grandma passed away, due to cancer. The reason why I chose this connection was because of how much it relates to the experience that Jacob has. For example, when I was attending my Grandma's funeral, it was an extremely sad moment for me, but when I read this book, it sort of reminds me about my grandma's death. So that's pretty much why I put that in as 1 of my connections. As for my second connection, I picked that because of how much it relates to the experience that Jacob's mom had. Luckily, my mom wasn't injured that badly, which makes me feel quite relieved when I think about it, but luckily, my mum just had her foot injured.
I assume that Jacob will probably have a problem that may occur when he tries to arrange for a flight to Kenya. I say this because of how inconvenient his flight will be to Kenya, my reasons to support this, will be that, how can Jacob arrange a flight to Kenya in such a short time period? Surely, Jacob probably wants his flight to be arranged in just a few days, which is pretty hard because people are meant to book a flight ticket A MONTH before they actually fly on the plane. Plus, where will he get the money to even by a ticket? A flight ticket arranged to take him ALL the way to Kenya would probably cost thousands of dollars (And probably a few hundred more dollars more because his flight it had to be arranged in such a short period of time)!
Besides that, let me talk more about what I THINK Jacob might discover in Kenya. I think that Jacob will discover the "Thunder Cave". In my own opinion, I think that the thunder cave might be some sort of ancient cave, that; is what caused the drought in Kenya in the first place, somehow, something must've triggered the events in Kenya to happen. As mentioned at the back of the book: "Will Jacob end the drought in Kenya?". This sort of gives me a clue of what this story is REALLY about, plus it also mentioned "And save the elephants from extinctions?" I this also gives me a clue about what might probably happen in the story. Overall, I would say that the thunder cave is actually the cave that (I don't how) causes the rain in Kenya to happen, which is why Jacob must go their when he visits Kenya.

My Prediction:

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