Thursday, December 16, 2010
A short video regarding of all the things that I have experienced throughout the past 2 trimesters. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My Learner Profile Reflection

Just recently, my class and I were assigned to an activity in my Humanities class where we would all find out about what our learner profiles are. Each of us were given a sort of questionnaire/diagram that we had to fill out in order to tell what learner profile we belong to.
Here's a reflection of my activity regarding my learner profiles.
I learn best when their are hardly any distractions within range when I'm doing my work. Usually, whenever I go home, I'm often distracted from doing my homework by things like computers, my baby brother, Television etc. Though, if their are no distractions within my vicinity, then I am usually more focused into doing my work. I realized this tactic not so long ago, when I first joined homework help; an after school activity that gives you you're own time and space to do your homework. After I finished my homework help activity I realized a remarkable thing, I finished my homework! I came to realize that the reason why I didn't really get any work done at home was because of the fact that I was too distracted, thus making me lose my focus of doing homework.
In my own opinion, I think that I need to be a little bit more invulnerable to distractions that I usually come across whenever I work on my homework. What I mean is, whenever I do my work, I get distracted, this however, is a bit frustrating to deal with. So, my what I think is a good solution to this, is to maybe try to be a bit more distraction proof, so that I can be able to complete my work more often.
Some strategies that would help me in my learning is to maybe try to avoid getting of topic whenever my teacher is trying to explain something to the entire class. If possible, then I think that I would find it easier to learn new things because of the fact that I will be able to avoid distractions that could keep me from learning.
I think that I would like my teacher to know that one of the things that prevents me from learning would be that distractions that I find during my work time are one of the main things that effects my academic life. Just today, I had trouble remembering how to convert decimals, into fractions. This however, is another example of my weakness to distractions.

Just recently, my class and I were assigned to an activity in my Humanities class where we would all find out about what our learner profiles are. Each of us were given a sort of questionnaire/diagram that we had to fill out in order to tell what learner profile we belong to.
Here's a reflection of my activity regarding my learner profiles.
I learn best when their are hardly any distractions within range when I'm doing my work. Usually, whenever I go home, I'm often distracted from doing my homework by things like computers, my baby brother, Television etc. Though, if their are no distractions within my vicinity, then I am usually more focused into doing my work. I realized this tactic not so long ago, when I first joined homework help; an after school activity that gives you you're own time and space to do your homework. After I finished my homework help activity I realized a remarkable thing, I finished my homework! I came to realize that the reason why I didn't really get any work done at home was because of the fact that I was too distracted, thus making me lose my focus of doing homework.
In my own opinion, I think that I need to be a little bit more invulnerable to distractions that I usually come across whenever I work on my homework. What I mean is, whenever I do my work, I get distracted, this however, is a bit frustrating to deal with. So, my what I think is a good solution to this, is to maybe try to be a bit more distraction proof, so that I can be able to complete my work more often.
Some strategies that would help me in my learning is to maybe try to avoid getting of topic whenever my teacher is trying to explain something to the entire class. If possible, then I think that I would find it easier to learn new things because of the fact that I will be able to avoid distractions that could keep me from learning.
I think that I would like my teacher to know that one of the things that prevents me from learning would be that distractions that I find during my work time are one of the main things that effects my academic life. Just today, I had trouble remembering how to convert decimals, into fractions. This however, is another example of my weakness to distractions.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My Lit. Circle 3 Feedback :D
First of, let me start of with saying what obstacles that I have discovered and conquered during this assignment. One obstacle that I have discovered during this Literature circle, was when I had to talk to my partner, Gard and tell him what he should, or shouldn't do when we typing on our Literature circle sheet on google docs. This was especially hard because I kind of found it difficult to make him understand what I was trying to say to him. In other words, it was kind of hard to explain my tactic of a great, well structured paragraph. Another obstacle that I have found very irritating when I was typing up my Literature circle passage, was when I had to try to look for a very significant passage that I liked and try to look for reasons why I thought it was significant. To me, this was one of the most hardest parts of typing literature circles, Because if you can't find a very significant passage in the book, then you won't have much to write!
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Obstacles!! |
Another Obstacle that I also found quite irritating when I was doing my assignment with Gard, was when I had to help him try to answer his questions. Not that I came up with the answer before Gard did, It was actually really hard to tell Gard what was wrong with his questions, and how he could improve upon it. This was especially hard considering the fact that I am also not so good at coming up with good questions. Plus, What I found really annoying was when I always had to tell Gard to provide examples and evidence. But I don't really blame Gard for not knowing how to provide examples and evidence, because when I did my first literature circle, I had NO idea of how to provide examples and evidence myself!
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Challenges!! |
Some challenges that I came across during this assignment was when I had to figure out how to put A LOT of text into my passage for the literature circles. I figured that, in order for me to be able to provide a lot of information into my passage, is to look for a really important part of the book that is very key to the entire book. This however, was a bit difficult because when I tried flipping through some of the pages inside the book, I couldn't find much to write about, this is because of the fact that not a lot of the scenes in this part of the book were that important. But with a bit of thinking I was able to provide a lot of information into my literature circle sheet, all from the help from page 150.
Some challenges that I came across during this assignment was when I had to figure out how to put A LOT of text into my passage for the literature circles. I figured that, in order for me to be able to provide a lot of information into my passage, is to look for a really important part of the book that is very key to the entire book. This however, was a bit difficult because when I tried flipping through some of the pages inside the book, I couldn't find much to write about, this is because of the fact that not a lot of the scenes in this part of the book were that important. But with a bit of thinking I was able to provide a lot of information into my literature circle sheet, all from the help from page 150.
Another challenge that I found very frustrating, was when I had to figure out some ways to help Gard improve upon his passages and Questions. This is because of the fact that Gard didn't put any examples nor evidence into his Literature circle sheet. I found this very frustrating because I had to try to explain to Gard what I actually mean by evidence and examples. Also, I had to constantly explain to Gard to add page numbers inside his passage, because he isn't really that specific whenever he types down into his literature circle sheet. Plus, I had to explain to Gard of how to make his questions more clear because they were a bit hard to understand.
New Understandings......
Some new understanding that I got from my Literature circle, was when I was able to learn more about Jacob's past life. For example: "Just a little rain can turn this hard grim land, into a soft green landscape...". When I read this statement in my book, it already tells me about how Jacob and his father usually bond together. Another new understanding that I have got just from typing up this literature circle, was how I realized why this book was called thunder cave, this was because of how Supeet explains to Jake of what exactly is the "thunder cave", thus giving me an understanding of why the book is called thunder cave.
Some Benefits of working with someone....
One benefit that I came across when I was working with Gard was the fact that we were able to finish our Literature Circle much more faster then if we were working individually. Also, another benefit that would help me during this Literature circle, was the fact that we were able to provide feed back for each other, saying what are the do's and don'ts when we were typing this up. Also, just in case we didn't know how to do certain things in our Lit. circle sheets, we could always rely on each other for help. One last benefit that I would like to explain, was when me and Gard tried to "scan" each others work, and see how we could improve upon it. This especially was very useful, because if I never did this, then Gard would have not been able to think more upon his passage, because at first, it was a bit low quality, but now since we sort of, peer edited each others work, he was able to get a high quality passage!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My lit. circle refletion
In my opinion, I think that my group discussion has helped me understand the book in may ways. One way was when Jesper told the group about how Sam's and Jacob's relationship was with each other when we were discussing our lit. circle discussion questions. Our discussion also helped me understand more about Jacob's relationship with his real father, because I kind of found the story of Jacob's Father kind of hard to understand when I was reading the book, but luckily, we were able to talk about it during our discussion time. I also found this discussion quite useful because now since everyone in my discussion group has told me some info about "thunder cave", I now have a few Ideas of how I'm going to make my next Lit. Circle.
For my connections, I put 2 things, 1 connection that I did was about the time when my grandma passed away, due to cancer. The reason why I chose this connection was because of how much it relates to the experience that Jacob has. For example, when I was attending my Grandma's funeral, it was an extremely sad moment for me, but when I read this book, it sort of reminds me about my grandma's death. So that's pretty much why I put that in as 1 of my connections. As for my second connection, I picked that because of how much it relates to the experience that Jacob's mom had. Luckily, my mom wasn't injured that badly, which makes me feel quite relieved when I think about it, but luckily, my mum just had her foot injured.
I assume that Jacob will probably have a problem that may occur when he tries to arrange for a flight to Kenya. I say this because of how inconvenient his flight will be to Kenya, my reasons to support this, will be that, how can Jacob arrange a flight to Kenya in such a short time period? Surely, Jacob probably wants his flight to be arranged in just a few days, which is pretty hard because people are meant to book a flight ticket A MONTH before they actually fly on the plane. Plus, where will he get the money to even by a ticket? A flight ticket arranged to take him ALL the way to Kenya would probably cost thousands of dollars (And probably a few hundred more dollars more because his flight it had to be arranged in such a short period of time)!
Besides that, let me talk more about what I THINK Jacob might discover in Kenya. I think that Jacob will discover the "Thunder Cave". In my own opinion, I think that the thunder cave might be some sort of ancient cave, that; is what caused the drought in Kenya in the first place, somehow, something must've triggered the events in Kenya to happen. As mentioned at the back of the book: "Will Jacob end the drought in Kenya?". This sort of gives me a clue of what this story is REALLY about, plus it also mentioned "And save the elephants from extinctions?" I this also gives me a clue about what might probably happen in the story. Overall, I would say that the thunder cave is actually the cave that (I don't how) causes the rain in Kenya to happen, which is why Jacob must go their when he visits Kenya.

My Prediction:

Monday, October 18, 2010
From a mud skipper's point of view....
I'm lying under my big mound of mud, waiting for those giants outside to hurry up with their business. I drill out a small hole in my mound of mud and pear through, only to see 5-6 giants walking around this certain area, mumbling gibberish to each other "blah blahby blah" is what I hear from them. "I wonder if this is how they communicate with others" I thought. I carefully slither out of my mud mound dragging along my long tale with me, and hop towards the nearest plant I can put my eyes on. "Just 1 hop at a time.....Just 1 hop at a time..Just 1 h.." I repeatedly whisper to myself, hopefully those giants won't get a visual of me. I steadily crawl pass the giant elongated cuboids that towered above me, as I do that, I take a second to see what exactly these towers are. I study 1 tower and then another, and another, "ooohhh, these are Mangroves in progress of growing" I say.
I make a quick check on whether the giants are following me, or whether they have spotted me. "Phew, i'm still invincible to their line of sight" I thought. I see 1 giant just a few kilometers away, he seems to be angrily stabbing at the mud, "grrrrrr, he's destroying our homes! Wait a that.....a Mangrove sapling?!" I said, I carefully move towards him, slowly and steadily, hopefully he won't see me. I study every action he makes; the giant delicately places the sapling into the big hole that he must've been stabbing at, "ooooooh, the giants are planting Mangrove trees" I thought. I turn around and hop back to the muddy area of where I once were, until I stop dead in my tracks, I turn to my right and I see 3 giants just a few hundred meter away from me. I notice that they're foots are stuck in the mud. "Oh no" "If those giants spot me, i'm a goner!" I said quietly, I try best to act camoflauge, so that the Giants won't spot me. I see 1 of them look at me "I'm Dead!" I say loudly.
1 of the giants say something "May muys, ckook! yits ay dudstipper" Is what I THINK they are saying. One of them tries to grab me; and in the process, trips over a mound of mud. A flock of fiddler crabs scurry out of the mounds shouting "Repent! the end is near" says 1, Another says "Every crab for themselves". What have these giants done? I start hopping away from the disastrous area, "Better safe then sorry" I thought, I try to avoid every possible way of the giants ever getting me. Next thing I know, giant clumps of mud are falling through the air, "arrrrrrgh!" I say as a huge clump lands right beside me, flattening a group of fiddler crabs. "Oh the horror!" I say, as I continue to hop my way through this horrifying battlefield. I'm just a few meters from shelter, 'I'm about to make it!" I thought, but then, a huge clump of mud lands on top of me.
P.S I bet you can't guess what "May muys, ckook! yits ay dudstipper" means!
I make a quick check on whether the giants are following me, or whether they have spotted me. "Phew, i'm still invincible to their line of sight" I thought. I see 1 giant just a few kilometers away, he seems to be angrily stabbing at the mud, "grrrrrr, he's destroying our homes! Wait a that.....a Mangrove sapling?!" I said, I carefully move towards him, slowly and steadily, hopefully he won't see me. I study every action he makes; the giant delicately places the sapling into the big hole that he must've been stabbing at, "ooooooh, the giants are planting Mangrove trees" I thought. I turn around and hop back to the muddy area of where I once were, until I stop dead in my tracks, I turn to my right and I see 3 giants just a few hundred meter away from me. I notice that they're foots are stuck in the mud. "Oh no" "If those giants spot me, i'm a goner!" I said quietly, I try best to act camoflauge, so that the Giants won't spot me. I see 1 of them look at me "I'm Dead!" I say loudly.
1 of the giants say something "May muys, ckook! yits ay dudstipper" Is what I THINK they are saying. One of them tries to grab me; and in the process, trips over a mound of mud. A flock of fiddler crabs scurry out of the mounds shouting "Repent! the end is near" says 1, Another says "Every crab for themselves". What have these giants done? I start hopping away from the disastrous area, "Better safe then sorry" I thought, I try to avoid every possible way of the giants ever getting me. Next thing I know, giant clumps of mud are falling through the air, "arrrrrrgh!" I say as a huge clump lands right beside me, flattening a group of fiddler crabs. "Oh the horror!" I say, as I continue to hop my way through this horrifying battlefield. I'm just a few meters from shelter, 'I'm about to make it!" I thought, but then, a huge clump of mud lands on top of me.
P.S I bet you can't guess what "May muys, ckook! yits ay dudstipper" means!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
When I lived in Singapore, I remember seeing a bunch of kids picking on my friend in the elementary school courtyard. I didn't want to get involved with the incident so I just watched. It was hard to bear with, but it was the last day of school, and I didn't want to spend my summer grounded by my mother and father, because they usually get mad when I get into fights. So I had no choice, but to leave them alone.
How I would handle the situation? Well, during the time, I was not as brave as I am right now, so I wasn't really that much of a speaker, I was more of an observer actually. But, if I encounter a situation like this in the future, then, I would totally stand up for my friend. Because, anybody who picks on other people makes me sick, its just so unfair. See, when you're being bullied, you don't seem to answer back, because you're afraid that they're going to say something back to you. Especially if theres like 3 people ganging up on you. But, since I have had experience in these types of situation, so my advice to some people is to tell them to back of if theirs 1 person, or just tell them that you're being very annoyed and just leave.
2 goals:
My first goal that I will try hard to get, is to respect people, because, that way, it'll be more easier for people to get along with each other and make friends.
Another goal I want to make is to be more nice to the people I meet. That way, people will think that I am a nice person and they might want to make friends with me.
How I would handle the situation? Well, during the time, I was not as brave as I am right now, so I wasn't really that much of a speaker, I was more of an observer actually. But, if I encounter a situation like this in the future, then, I would totally stand up for my friend. Because, anybody who picks on other people makes me sick, its just so unfair. See, when you're being bullied, you don't seem to answer back, because you're afraid that they're going to say something back to you. Especially if theres like 3 people ganging up on you. But, since I have had experience in these types of situation, so my advice to some people is to tell them to back of if theirs 1 person, or just tell them that you're being very annoyed and just leave.
2 goals:
My first goal that I will try hard to get, is to respect people, because, that way, it'll be more easier for people to get along with each other and make friends.
Another goal I want to make is to be more nice to the people I meet. That way, people will think that I am a nice person and they might want to make friends with me.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Courage, something we have experienced in life.....
I remember once when I was 5 years old, I was REALLY scared of this video that my big sister showed me. The video was actually mean't to be a lyrics video for a song made by the "backstreet boys" ( yes, at the time I used to like the "back street boys" but now I realised how much I DON'T like them ). But as a matter of fact, the video wasn't as I thought it would be.
When the video starts, its just what I expected, a bunch of lyrics scrolling down the screen and music playing - but 15 mins into the video, the lyrics start to shrink and shrin k and shrink, which makes it harder to read. But that was actually mean't to happen, the trick was to make me look closer at the computer, and that was exactly what me and my brother did, next thing you know......BOOM! A big hideous disgusting and EXTREMELY scary face pops up in the screen and starts making screaming noises, which doubles my shock, and makes me jump out of my chair and I practically crack my head on the ceiling, but me actually cracking my head was at the least of my worries, I need to get out of the room......FAST.
I'm aware that my brother had the same shocked expression as me when he saw the hideous screaming face which made him scream, but I couldn't hear it over my own scream which rattled my eardrums and I think nearly burst 1 of them, but I didn't care, I tried to run but I accidentally tripped and fell on the floor, by then, my arms felt like water which prevented me from standing up, plus, I was to scared to get up and thought that if I spent to much time doing so, the face on the computer would eat me!!! So just soon as my brother ran right beside me I hooked onto 1 of his legs with my arms, unlike me, he managed to keep his balance and not trip and fall on the floor, and he even kept running! So in just a few seconds, I'm speeding out of the study room hanging on for dear life on my brother's leg, when my mom and dad stop me.
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Don't watch it! |
I explained the entire situation to my mom and also told her about the scary man on the computer that screamed at me. Then she sends my dad to the study room to X out of the screen so that the video is gone, as for my sister, well she got a big lecture on showing scary video's to me and my brother and how its bad to watch them. Well, I didn't exactly hear the conversation because me and my brother was in my room trembling with fear hoping that we'll never watch a video like that for as long as we live. Well later during dinner, me and my brother were discussing about the video and what the picture was. My sister then explained that the picture was from "Scary Movie 2", and that it was edited in photoshop, but my brother said that it looked like Michael Jackson. We all had a good laugh after that.

2 years later, my brother and I were still scared of the experience that we had, until my brother came up with the idea that we should face our fears and watch the video again. I refused at first but after a bit of thinking, I agreed to watch the video with my brother. When the video started, it was just the same old thing, 5 mins past, the words start to shrink, my nerves are being extremely strained by now. The words start to shrink even smaller, man, my nerves are killing me! Here it comes.....Boom! Just as I expected, the face comes up, my eyes bulge, I wanted to scream but I couldn't, but as soon as I'm about to run away, the video ends. Wow, now since I think of it, that video didn't seem as scary as I though it would be, thank god it was over, i'm just glad that i've conquered my fears and for me, thats all that matters.
P.S Just don't tell me to watch it AGAIN, that video gave me nightmares for days and i'm trying to get rid of the memory, if YOU want to watch it, take this ☝ as a warning not to!

2 years later, my brother and I were still scared of the experience that we had, until my brother came up with the idea that we should face our fears and watch the video again. I refused at first but after a bit of thinking, I agreed to watch the video with my brother. When the video started, it was just the same old thing, 5 mins past, the words start to shrink, my nerves are being extremely strained by now. The words start to shrink even smaller, man, my nerves are killing me! Here it comes.....Boom! Just as I expected, the face comes up, my eyes bulge, I wanted to scream but I couldn't, but as soon as I'm about to run away, the video ends. Wow, now since I think of it, that video didn't seem as scary as I though it would be, thank god it was over, i'm just glad that i've conquered my fears and for me, thats all that matters.
P.S Just don't tell me to watch it AGAIN, that video gave me nightmares for days and i'm trying to get rid of the memory, if YOU want to watch it, take this ☝ as a warning not to!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Artifact homework
What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?
I think that ancient artifacts tell us about the stories and adventures that early hominids have experienced millions of years ago. Many anthropologists have assumed that the cave paintings and sculptures found in caves could have symbolized an event or a celebration that must've occurred during the time, or it could be a story that early hominids used to tell to their own kind. Whether or not they were intelligent enough to even create such sculptures or paintings is a whole new story, as for now, I will explain 3 reasons of how artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans.
First of, many people may think that hominids are just a bunch of dumb apes that spend most of their times swinging from ropes and eating banana's from trees. I however, disagree, in fact, say that to a anthropologist and you'll get a heck of a lecture, it'll probably do you some good, but enough with apes, we're talking about hominids; hominids are actually prehistoric humans that hasn't evolved into the humans that we are today, but instead of focusing on what a hominid is, we're going to focus on some examples of how ancient artifacts give us info on how life was like on earth millions of year ago.
Reason 1.
Many paleonanthropologists say that cave paintings or sculptures were actually stories that related to the adventures and journeys or even events that have occurred way before the painting was ever made. Luckily scientists have been able to get useful information from the paintings in caves by inferring on what had happened 3 million years ago. But what does it tell us? Well this proves that the early humans were intelligent enough to make cave paintings, and it also tells us that they could make sculptures.
Reason 2.
Other artifacts however, weren't actually cave sculptures or cave paintings, they were actually tools that were used to help them catch and eat food. This tells us that the hominids were smart enough to make their own tools.
Reason 3.
Also another thing is that by studying a hominids bones you'll be able to see whether their brain was as big as a modern day human's, unfortunately no. This explains why hominids aren't as smart as us which why they are more ape like and not like us.

First of, many people may think that hominids are just a bunch of dumb apes that spend most of their times swinging from ropes and eating banana's from trees. I however, disagree, in fact, say that to a anthropologist and you'll get a heck of a lecture, it'll probably do you some good, but enough with apes, we're talking about hominids; hominids are actually prehistoric humans that hasn't evolved into the humans that we are today, but instead of focusing on what a hominid is, we're going to focus on some examples of how ancient artifacts give us info on how life was like on earth millions of year ago.
Reason 1.
Many paleonanthropologists say that cave paintings or sculptures were actually stories that related to the adventures and journeys or even events that have occurred way before the painting was ever made. Luckily scientists have been able to get useful information from the paintings in caves by inferring on what had happened 3 million years ago. But what does it tell us? Well this proves that the early humans were intelligent enough to make cave paintings, and it also tells us that they could make sculptures.
Reason 2.
Other artifacts however, weren't actually cave sculptures or cave paintings, they were actually tools that were used to help them catch and eat food. This tells us that the hominids were smart enough to make their own tools.
Reason 3.
Also another thing is that by studying a hominids bones you'll be able to see whether their brain was as big as a modern day human's, unfortunately no. This explains why hominids aren't as smart as us which why they are more ape like and not like us.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
What social scientist am I?
What social scientist am I? Could I be a Archeologist? Could I be a Historian?
All these jobs are great, but honestly, my favorite choice would be a Geographer......Why? Read on to find out.....
Definition of a Social Scientist:
A scientist that studies different aspects of the world.
Definition of a Geographer:
A Geographer studies the earths climate, wildlife, etc.
Why do I want to be a Geographer?
I want to be a Geographer for 3 reasons:
- I'll be able to explore the world in many perspectives, and observe its habitat and surroundings.
- I'll be able to be "up close and personal" with animals and wildlife.
- I can study the earths climate and temperature and how it changes.

Being a geographer allows you to study the earths climate and weather, imagine seeing a live tornado only a few feet way, sounds cool doesn't it? Well geographers are specially trained for this kind of situation, and it actually is really dangerous to study a tornado a few feet away (especially when its heading towards you), and it kills to be near one but its pretty cool, so its kinda good idea to take the chance of actually seeing a tornado, its a rare opportunity but you might achieve something from it.
You can also study the earths environment (pronounced en-vy-er-ment), which means studying rainforests or seas or oceans, geographers do this by recording any rising temperatures in the seas depths, or maybe observing the animals habitat, e.g an animals habitat includes rainforests, rivers, etc.
In conclusion, I would like to be a geographer because their will be a good chance of discovering new and exciting ways to live life, and because you and I can conquer new challenges that we eventually will face throughout our lives.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
About Me!
As you may all know, my name is Gerald, I am currently living in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. When I was born in Kuala Lumpur I started to live their for the first 2 years of my life. But after those 2 years passed, I had to move to Houston,Texas In America for 3 years. When I was living in America, I went to my first school their, I went from pre-school, to kindergarden, and then my family and I had to move back to our hometown in Sarawak Malaysia for another 2 years. After that we moved to Singapore for 4 years, their I continued from 2nd grade, to 5th grade. Finally, we had to move back to Malaysia which is why i'm here.
What are my last 3 books that I have read?
So far, I can't really remember the last 3 books that I have read, But my favourite 3 that that I can remember reading was the 3 books in the "Alex rider" series ( Their are actually 8 books in the series but i'm actually just listing out my favorite ones ), The series was created by the author, Anthony Horowitz and he also created The diamond brothers, and the power of five series as well. The First book that i've read from the alex rider series was called stormbreaker, it had lots of action packed situtations that all made sense in the end and seemed possible to happen. The second book, in the series that i've read was called, point blanc, it was really suspenseful and had lots of ballistic action sequences that were enjoyable to read. The 3rd one, was called skeleton key which was more strategic then action packed but was still really enjoyable and fun to read.
What is the last movie that i've seen?
The last movie I watched was called sherlock holmes. It was a fiction movie representing sherlock holmes, and he was Londons best detective. The movie had an outstanding plot, considering the fact that they made sherlock holmes a sort of humourous person. It was also action packed and had a really good dialogue. I also liked how sherlock holmes always thought out his plans in a very strategic way, especially when he's fighting someone. In conclusion, I liked the movie because it was funny, thoughtful, had really good dialogue,was strategic and had a truly outstanding and extraordinary plot.
What is one academic goal I'm aiming to achieve for this year?
One academic goal I'm aiming to achieve for this year is for all A's on every subject and for me to graduate middle school with enough knowledge to help me graduate high school so that I can move to College.
What is one social goal I have this year?
One social goal I have for this year is to get new friends in ISKL.
What is my favourite vacation memory?
My favourite vacation memory was when I went to the water park in Bali. The waterpark in Bali was called "waterbom" I remember that their was a gigantic water slide they have their called smash down, when you slide down, you don't even touch the slide, you're basicly soaring through the air when you slide down it, but the downside about it, is that when you land back on the slide you sort of whack your head on the slide, which made me sore, but it was still fun.
5 adjectives I would use to describe myself:
- Funny
- Confident
- Active
- Competitive
- Curious
Thanks for reading my blog!!

So far, I can't really remember the last 3 books that I have read, But my favourite 3 that that I can remember reading was the 3 books in the "Alex rider" series ( Their are actually 8 books in the series but i'm actually just listing out my favorite ones ), The series was created by the author, Anthony Horowitz and he also created The diamond brothers, and the power of five series as well. The First book that i've read from the alex rider series was called stormbreaker, it had lots of action packed situtations that all made sense in the end and seemed possible to happen. The second book, in the series that i've read was called, point blanc, it was really suspenseful and had lots of ballistic action sequences that were enjoyable to read. The 3rd one, was called skeleton key which was more strategic then action packed but was still really enjoyable and fun to read.
What is the last movie that i've seen?

What is one academic goal I'm aiming to achieve for this year?
One academic goal I'm aiming to achieve for this year is for all A's on every subject and for me to graduate middle school with enough knowledge to help me graduate high school so that I can move to College.
What is one social goal I have this year?
One social goal I have for this year is to get new friends in ISKL.
What is my favourite vacation memory?
My favourite vacation memory was when I went to the water park in Bali. The waterpark in Bali was called "waterbom" I remember that their was a gigantic water slide they have their called smash down, when you slide down, you don't even touch the slide, you're basicly soaring through the air when you slide down it, but the downside about it, is that when you land back on the slide you sort of whack your head on the slide, which made me sore, but it was still fun.
5 adjectives I would use to describe myself:
- Funny
- Confident
- Active
- Competitive
- Curious
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